Man of Steel – Las Vegas, Nevada 6/18/2013

JUNE 18, 2013 (Tuesday)


Today was lazy. We slept in till 9 AM. We showered, dressed, did some paperwork then went to lunch at In and Out. We then went to the post office to mail the rescission paperwork we had just prepared to Westgate. We read and read on Timeshare Users Group (tug: and found nothing positive about Westgate or their operations. We left the Post Office and were off to the South Point Casino to watch Man of Steel. We got in for $4.00 each with our Senior Club Card.

Edie loved the copper tiles on the ceiling of the cinema.
Edie loved the copper tiles on the ceiling of the cinema.

We both enjoyed the movie overall. The last fight scene was getting a little boring and probably could have ended a little sooner. Don’t want to spoil anything, but they sure did tweak the story around quite a bit. On the drive back Mike expressed concerns about the flow of logic in the story line, Edie pointed out, “It’s just a movie, they can have them do anything they want to.” Later, while discussing the movie with my son on the phone, Edie prodded me to ask, “Does he know Superman isn’t real?” I asked him and he shot right back to her, “You have no proof that he isn’t!” 

A wall off highway 15 North
A wall off highway 15 North

We got back to our home to make dinner. Pajamas, underwear and TV.  Not much else to report.